Congrats to our HS Boys Track Team on winning Woco Early Bird Relays and our HS Girls Track Team on finishing 4th! Results:
First golf meet of the year! Good luck boys!
3rd Annual Egg Your Yard FBLA Fundraiser
Contact Mrs. Hux for details
Mound City Elementary Counselor, Mrs. Graves, brings awareness for World Down Syndrome Day to the classrooms.
Mound City Scholar Bowl Team
Coffee and Conversation
Topic: If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
Join us tomorrow in bringing awareness for World Down Syndrome Day! #WeAreMC #PantherPride
Students participated in the Peru Mathematics Challenge. Congrats to Eli for placing 1st individual and 2nd place in a team in Geometry. August placed 1st in Algebra II division.
Mrs. Ungles and her anatomy lab students learn how to dissect a lamb brain.
FCCLA STATE STAR EVENTS Winners. Congratulations!
Juniors completing basic CPR training
Seniors completing basic CPR training
8th Grade Tour @ Northwest Technical School
Kenzie Brown and Chauncey Brown both competed in Area 1 public speaking and both did a fantastic job. Kenzie will compete in Advanced Public Speaking at the district level on 3-29!!!
Mound City Panther Band performing today at District Band Contest
Congratulations to: Sydney Meadows, Elizabeth Laukemper, and Trevor Tubbs for been selected to the District 16 All District basketball teams!
Congratulations to Mackenzie Brown. She interviewed for Area 1 FFA officer and will serve as the 2023-24 Reporter!
Mound City Elementary Reading Program: Elementary students eating with a special guest.
Learn from history
Day at the Museum!