Mrs. Reinig was the next silly string “victim!” August used 100 PBS points for the opportunity!

8th grade helps Mrs. Reinig organize more supplies for flood relief.

Mrs. Hux’s Business skills class works on developing interview skills. They will practice in a few weeks with businesses.

Sign up for preschool and kindergarten screenings by calling (660)442-5420. Screenings are April 4&5.

McTeacher Night tonight

HS Students helping unload the Semi from Nashville for Flood Relief. Great experience to help others in need! Thank you students for helping!

MC students helping unload a truck for flood impacted individuals.

So proud of our student athletes this year!

2 Letters...2 Medals

HS Volleyball Receive Awards at Banquet

2018 Football Champs

HS Basketball Boys Team

Cheerleaders Recognized at Athletic Banquet

Cross Country Athletes Honored at Athletic Banquet

Quentin saves and spends 100 PBS points to silly string a teacher of his choice: Mr. Osburn!

Kindergarten and first grade students present Shyann Ray, the Outreach Director of Holt County, with cards and activity bags for children impacted by the flood.

FCCLA Senior Citizen Carnival

Preschool Nursery Rhyme Night

Missouri Representative Allen Andrews visited 3rd Grade today!

HS Scholar Bowl gets ready to compete