Good morning Panther Nation!
Another day in the life of COVID. The Phase 1 of Missouri’s “opening up” doesn’t feel much different to me. I went to the office at school for a while yesterday morning and then went to a follow up surgery appointment in St. Joseph. I met Kendey (one of my bad knee daughters). It is technically my forefathers fault through genetics. Two weeks ago Friday was the sixth knee surgery in our immediate family. Anyway, she will need more intensive surgery this summer. She is good with that and understands that modern medicine is an absolute gift from a higher being. We give the doctor’s/medical staff’s credit for their amazing knowledge to perform such unfathomably feats. As a family we kind of, sort of, well I guess we understand it. How, under heaven can a surgeon take a failing, yet still beating heart out of somebody and put a donor’s (God bless that family) heart into that same person and it work? That is just amazing. Seriously, arguably the heart is the most important organ in the body, next to the brain! My small, simple mind has a hard time comprehending all that medical stuff. Two weeks ago, the surgeon that was to perform the heart transplant surgery for Mrs. Eaton came into the room (fortunately I was able to be there at that time) and he began to explain the procedure. He started by saying, “we have talked about this several months ago, but I would like to go over it again.” He started his oration with, “heart transplant surgery is a very simple procedure.” I laughed out loud, so did Mrs. Eaton. You see it seems that incredibly smart people don’t have the same sense of humor of common folk like me. He gave me that look that I received from every teacher I ever had. The “go stand in the corner look.” I really thought he was joking, he apparently wasn’t. He finished and said “any questions?” I replied, “no question, just a comment if I may?” “You make it sound as if you are changing the water pump on a John Deere 4020 tractor.” He said, “similar.” Smart people are cool!
Today is Homecoming. Mrs. Eaton is supposed to come home today. Fourteen days after a heart transplant………. Yes, fourteen days ……. I have been to so many homecomings since I was in junior high, around forty I guess. I think this one will undoubtedly be my favorite.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! If you think about it, try to reach out to your teacher and give them a big thank you. Especially the way this school year is ending. Thank you teachers!
As we get closer to school being out for the summer and we celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend. Be mindful to not wish our lives away, embrace every moment and students remember to give Mom a great day this Sunday.
We will be celebrating Mothers and our senior class this Sunday at 2 pm with a parade around town. If you can step outside and give a wave to them, please do. They certainly deserve it, especially since they drew the short straw (to say the least) at the end of their senior year.
Stay healthy!