Day #25 In case you forgot

Panther Nation,

As you noticed I attached a "selfie" to the start of today's message.  Reasoning?--- in case you forgot what I looked like with my reading glasses on.  I can't believe I just used the word "selfie" in an actual sentence.....

We had a zoom board meeting this morning.  It certainly went better than I thought it might, those things sometimes have a way of not being what you'd expect.  Such as life I suppose.  The meeting did go well and most everybody's connection was adequate.  It's just not the same as in person however.  Mrs. Schoonover submitted her letter of retirement effective at the end of the year.  It is always hard to say goodbye to people when they retire, but I have a feeling we will still see her around!  Have fun Mrs. Schoonover! The board hired an additional kindergarten teacher for next year's huge crop, her name is Mrs. Radley.  They also hired Mr. Ottman to teach middle school science to replace Mrs. Rosier who resigned last month.  In addition, the board approved Mrs. Jessica Haer to be a paraprofessional next fall.  

No matter what the world is throwing at us, we all still need to take care of business and that is what each and everyone of us are trying to do.  I feel very fortunate that I am able to continue to work.  I feel terrible for those of you that have been sidelined in your employment.  I am hoping/praying that very soon your work will start up again.  Hang in there.

Stay healthy!