What a morning Panther Nation,
We start yet another week of “school in place”, strange times to say the least. Sorry I was late writing this morning. As some of you know today is opening day of the spring turkey season in the great state of Missouri. For me this morning it was just that, hunting. I did see one hen shortly followed by a large, very full coated coyote. The winter had not been bad to her apparently. She managed to mess up my hunt completely. Oh well, at the least the hundred crows that I inadvertently managed to quietly set up under, annoyed me with their non-stop communication between each other right at sun up. Their cawing had to have reached Arrowhead Stadium Crowd decibel levels. All in all, it was a good morning to be out……. until it started raining and then the temperature dropped a few degrees. Even still, it was very enjoyable to get out and not think about what is going on in the world for a few minutes.
Back to the real world. The Mound City R-2 Board of Education will be holding a regular monthly meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. This will be a zoom meeting. If you care to join, please follow this invitation;
Ken Eaton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom Board of Education meeting.
Topic: MCR-2 School Board Meeting
Time: Apr 21, 2020 07:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 317 304 809
Password: 222086
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Stay healthy!