Panther Nation,

First, thank you to all of those that reached out with birthday wishes this past weekend.  I was blessed to have my immediate family around.  I do not take this for granted, especially in light of this "stay at home" order issued by Gov. Parsons that begins today and goes through April 24.  This means we will not return to school buildings until at least April 27.  I also do not take for granted being with my family because of certain circumstances over the last year and few months in our lives.  I say this to plead with you all to reach out to individuals that you know who are alone and shut in.  Call, write, text, facetweet or whatever your preferred method of communication.  It just takes a few seconds to make somebody's day better.

What about some teachers and students across this great country that are making masks and face shields for health care workers due to the equipment shortage?  That is awesome!  I also read where a pizza restaurant is matching ever pizza ordered and delivering it to the overworked hospital employees in the state of New York.  Businesses, large and small have converted there regular products/services over to making all kinds of equipment to help in this crisis.  How great is America and the heart of its people?  It is no different right here in Mound City.  People have reached out over and over to see if the school needs anything during this closure.  Well, I am telling you it is different........ our community has always been that way!  It didn't take a crisis for it to has just always been.

Stay healthy!