Hey Panther Nation,
No school today due to icy weather conditions............You students and several parents (former students) know that to be mostly false since Mr. Eaton quote, "never lets out of school because of weather." I really thought about sending out a text cast that school was closed as a joke, but then you students would think you didn't have to do your work!
Yesterday, I attended my first zoom meeting with the HS staff on "the" line. Very interesting how technology can bring us together. Today the Elementary and MS staff will be doing the same professional development via zoom.
Not much has changed in the way of timing to return to our school buildings. Governor Parson will be conducting a press conference today, with what I think will be extended circumstances of "flattening the curve."
The Kitchen Ladies told me that breakfast/lunch counts are up again! Please take advantage of their efforts by texting 816 273 7119 if you are interested in getting your students set up with free meals delivered.
Have a great weekend and STAY HEALTHY!