About Us

Graduation Rate


Technology Ratio

Computer to Student Ratio: 1:1

Teacher Ratio

1:9 Teacher to Student Ratio

Career Ed. Programs

Agriculture Education, Business Education, Family Consumer Sciences and Human Services

School Day Info

8:00 am to 2:59 pm 8 period day


Mr. Osburn

Favorite day of the week?Saturday ~What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Hard Work Pays Off ~What’s one thing in your home that you couldn’t live without?My TV ~What new thing would you like to learn?: Cooking

- Mr. Osburn


~If you could graduate and be anything, what would you be?: A farmer. ~If you had three wishes, what would they be?: Wealth, wisdom and superpowers.~Who is most inspiring to you?: My parents.~If you had one rule that the whole world had to follow, what would it be?No taxes.

- Ben


~Do you have any Hidden Talents?: Playing Volleyball ~What is your Favorite toy to play with?: Barbie’s ~Favorite Cartoon Character?: Bluey ~If you could only eat one food for the rest of you life what would it be?: Blueberry pie

- Harper


~Dream Car: Bugatti Veyron ~What is something you don't know ___ about me:I have a lot or aura! ~What is your favorite sport?: Football because it's a lot of fun

- Cole


~Do you plan on going to college or joining the workforce? Going to college ~What are 3 ways you’ve changed since freshman year? Maturity, Mentally, and being a hard worker ~What was the most creative excuse to get out of an assignment? No Wifi

- Senior Spotlight: Quentin